“This world is not my home, I’m just passing through.” These are words of a song that has been in my mind for a very long time, but words that ring true to my ears. I wonder if a fish living in an aquarium understands that there is a life outside that fish tank? I believe even animals understand that we are living in some sort of prison. We can pretend all we like, but this world was never meant for us. Millions of people are living their daily lives believing that this life is the only life, and how tragic that is.
But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, Philippians 3:20
As children of God, we have been given a new citizenship. We have a passport now to our new home, and we will leave this world with no earthly possessions. Our time here is only a temporary one, and life will truly begin in the heavens above. This is the reality we must understand. There are only two consequences in this world. One, to prepare our hearts and minds for the holy kingdom, and two, to bring those we have created relationships with us to the eternal kingdom. Everything else on this planet has no consequence.
There have been good times and bad, but everything we have been through and will go through is for our preparedness to our eternal future. They call this world a rat race, spinning in circles and going nowhere. This is not so with us, we are running a race and there is a finish line, and Jesus will be there to welcome us home. The only way to lose this race is not to finish it, let us not give up the fight. Whatever comes our way, let’s keep our eyes on the prize, it has been promised to us, we are citizens of a new country. We are almost home. Hold on my friends, let our focus be resolute, and our hope sure. God bless.
Connected to the Vine
-Pastor Danny
Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Saturday Services -
Online - Adult Sabbath School @ 9:00am
In Person -
Adult & Children's Sabbath School
10:00 am - 10:50 am
Worship Service
11:00 am
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