God in His wisdom has created incredible ways that we might know Him. Words are just the beginning. God uses symbolism, metaphors, stories, examples, physical objects, mental pictures, relational connections, and so much more. We have an infinite God trying to communicate with finite humans beings, and we have so much to learn and understand.I believe the most powerful way to teach us about God is through Love. Hence, God is Love. It is the most powerful force in our hearts and minds, we can’t live without it, we crave it from our inner most being. We are made in God’s image, and I don’t think God is talking about our bodies, we were created to Love.And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heavenfrom God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. Revelation 21:2It is significant to see that in the earliest of creation, God gave us two institutions. Sabbath was the day, that man could be in full relationship to God, and Marriage was a covenant that brought man and woman together for all life time. God exists in a three form entity, and with marriage we have an opportunity to understand this. We can look in the position of the creation, we have the creator, husband, and wife. Love exists in a three form idea. Look at the most basic family, we have the Father, Mother, and child, another three-fold unit to understand love. Love is about giving, receiving, and witnessing.I have personally experienced, that Love takes on a new form once I became married. Whatever understanding I had in love, it grew exponentially, once I started into a marriage. Marriage has taught me about love, I previously had no understanding. And even with that, having my own children opened new paths I had to clue of it’s existence. Love is indeed deep. All the feeling and knowledge I have and continue to learn about love, teaches me about God’s love for me. God is alive, there is a give and take I can barely process in my mind, there is a stir in my soul, that God is why I am here. There are no true words to verbalize what God’s love means to me, all of us. In many ways I am left in awe.God is constantly loving and wooing us. In fact, He is in love with us. Marriage is one of the greatest gifts to humanity, to show us what God’s loves means in real time. You don’t have to guess why the enemy hates marriage so much. God’s love will be an idea that all of us will study, for all of time. Love will be something we experience for all eternity, constantly finding new expression, and living a life of bliss and in love.Connected to the Vine-Pastor Danny
Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Saturday Services -
Online - Adult Sabbath School @ 9:00am
In Person -
Adult & Children's Sabbath School
10:00 am - 10:50 am
Worship Service
11:00 am
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